the big chill
The hush before the rush….
with Catherine Gallagher
Thursday 1st December
In-person and livestreamed!
Join Catherine for a special candlelit ‘Hush Before The Rush’ 90-minute healing and restorative yoga practice with all funds raised going to two charities very close to Catherine's heart.
Restorative Yoga is a deeply calming and gentle practice suitable for all ages. All the postures are seated or lying down. Beginners and experienced practitioners are all extremely welcome!
Together, we will enjoy completely slowing down before the busy festive season by cultivating a soothing breath and quieting our busy minds whilst softening our muscles. It’s time to rest, connect to our natural state of peace, be together as a community, and light a candle for those who are suffering.
Arrive as you are and be open to where this experience may lead you. Use the time to fill your cup first so you can give your best self out to your loved ones this Christmas.
All you will need is a cosy nest made up of cushions, warm blankets, pillows, cosy socks, jumper, scarf, and an eye pillow if you have one. Here you can soften into your parasympathetic nervous system- this is the rest and digest state where deep healing can occur. You’ll experience true relaxation and your immune system will be boosted thanks to your blood pressure lowering, stress, tension and fatigue draining away, your circulation will be boosted and your mind will be calmed.
Catherine's chosen Christmas charities:
Mummys Star: Supporting families with cancer in and around pregnancy
NRAS: Supporting those affected with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) and dispelling the myths around hidden disability.
In-person: £20
Livestream: £15 (suggested donation)
*Please note: this is a charity event, so there are no refunds or transfers once a donation has been made. Thank you for your understanding.