Never done yoga before? Fear not, we’ve got you covered. We usually recommend starting with Hatha Flow, which moves at a slower pace (than the Vinaya Flow ones), so there's time and space to adjust based on one's needs and ability. The really relaxing classes are Yin and Restorative, and those are appropriate for all levels, too.
All are very welcome in every class, but most people like to see how they manage with Hatha Flow and then try Vinyasa Flow.
You can read more about our class descriptions here. And if you’re nervous, just tell the teacher you are new to yoga, and they’ll look after you. We know it can be intimidating to try yoga for the first time, but we promise this is a place of no judgement.
Just yourself in comfortable clothing! You are welcome to bring your own mat if you’d like, but we have all the equipment you need here free-of-charge (mats, blocks, straps, bolsters, etc).
Book online here. Booking in advance is required and we are a cashless studio.
You can view our pricing options here. We’ve worked hard to come up with pricing that reflects the differing financial circumstances of people. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions (we know it’s not straightforward. 😊)