I’ve been practicing yoga since 2000 and teaching since 2014. Let me tell you a little bit about my teaching journey…
For the first two years of teaching, I secretly hated it. I’d dread each class, somewhat enjoy it during, and then feel a huge sense of relief afterwards. I felt like I was playing the role of ‘yoga teacher,’ like I was performing, and I started to question why I was dedicating so much time and energy to something that left me feeling insecure and drained.
I decided there was no point in teaching if it was going to be such a struggle and roller-coaster ride. I then discovered the amazing Naomi Absalom, and through her mentoring program, began to fall in love with teaching. Through her teachings, and a lot of trial and error and looking inside, I’ve evolved as a teacher and person to where I now genuinely love teaching. I no longer feel drained after each class, I am comfortable standing in front of a room, and I teach from an authentic place.
Teaching truly can be rewarding and fun. I now offer mentoring to other teachers who are on the roller-coaster ride, or maybe feel lost and uninspired.
The mentoring will include:
Discovery Session: We’ll begin with a one-to-one exploratory session (either in-person or via Zoom) to understand where you are in your teaching, what you feel is lacking, and what you’d like to get out of the mentoring.
Class Analysis: I will attend one of your classes (or you send me a class recording), and afterwards, we’ll speak again where I’ll go over any and all aspects of the class. This won’t be about picking apart your flaws; we’ll go over some things to maybe work on and consider, but also, I will highlight your unique gifts and help you see how you can enhance your special qualities as a teacher.
Follow-up Session: A few weeks later, we will speak again over the phone to go over new reflections on your teaching and create an action plan to continue your growth.
Investment: £200
If you are interested or have any questions, please email me at